Angela A Betzen
"I strive to get individuals to think about their daily activities and how they impact the world."
- 468 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO17disposable cupsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO17organic mealsconsumed
UP TO17meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO32whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO17zero-waste mealsconsumed
Angela A's actions
Use a Reusable Mug
I will avoid sending 1 disposable cup(s) to the landfill per day by using a reusable mug.
Zero-Waste Cooking
I will cook 1 meal(s) with zero waste each day.
Eat Meatless Meals
I will enjoy 1 meatless meal(s) per day.
Choose Organic Ingredients
I will enjoy 1 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients per day.
Whole Foods Diet
I will enjoy 2 meal(s) per day free of processed foods.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Angela A Betzen 3/20/2019 4:52 AMI can't believe today is the last day of this challenge. But that means Spring is almost here! Time to plant my peas and trim my raspberries. -
Angela A Betzen 3/19/2019 4:03 AMI believe I have started a good habit with the food. Now I need to get out and walking more. -
Angela A Betzen 3/18/2019 7:52 AMHey, all you Penn Staters, let us make this lastweek a good one!!! -
Angela A Betzen 3/18/2019 7:51 AMWe are in the finals days and I going to give my students a challenge to keep this going after this eco challenge is over! -
Angela A Betzen 3/17/2019 10:34 AMAlmost to the end. And getting closer to Spring! The sun is shining today fimalt. -
Angela A Betzen 3/16/2019 3:21 AMOn the downhill stretch of the competition. Still maintaining my new habits. -
Angela A Betzen 3/15/2019 1:32 PMWe are getting to the end of this competition. Where did the month go? I am so ready for SPRING!
Angela A Betzen 3/15/2019 1:19 PMWe are almost done with this challenge and my habits are already pretty set. -
Angela A Betzen 3/14/2019 1:51 PMTrying to use up food that I canned in the summer or froze during harvest. -
Angela A Betzen 3/13/2019 6:26 AMI think I heard that Aldi's is going to only sell organic products in the future. Did I really hear this or was it a dream? Not sure if they could survive just selling organic.