February 27 - March 20, 2019
IKM Architects
IKM Incorporated
team impact
UP TO44organic mealsconsumed
UP TO110milestraveled by bus
UP TO210plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO2.0documentarieswatched
UP TO2,619gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO1,120minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO118disposable cupsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO50more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO8.0milestraveled by foot
UP TO6.0locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO128milestraveled by carpool
UP TO2.0petitionssigned
UP TO18whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO230pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1,100minutesspent exercising
UP TO3.6pounds of paperhave been saved
UP TO1,680minutesof additional sleep
UP TO1,050minutesbeing mindful
UP TO12peoplehelped
UP TO120minutesspent learning
UP TO1,418minutesspent outdoors
UP TO193meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO2.0hoursvolunteered
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
March 20 at 1:17 PMToday's the last day! Although there are aspects I could have improved (exercise being a big one!), as a result of this competition I have thought a lot more about how many disposable bags I was using, and how many I've saved!
March 20 at 7:40 AMI've started planning and plotting out what my garden will look like this Spring!
March 19 at 11:16 AMI've made it a habit of checking the Seafood Watch app before purchasing seafood in the grocery store. What a great resource - I was ignorant to the diversity of methods used for sourcing seafood from one location to the next. This mindfulness will definitely stick around long after the Sustainable PGH challenge is over!
March 19 at 8:18 AMI have to express gratitude for a big and beautiful moon this morning on my way to work!
March 18 at 6:16 AMGreat! I plan on walking to work more as it gets warmer out.
March 16 at 7:47 AMMy 5th grade daughter who super loves long showers has now begun to use a timer in the shower without my even asking and has adopted my practice of waterless teeth brushing. She is also suggesting other changes that she thinks we should make in our daily rituals to be better environmentalist;-)
March 14 at 3:34 AMLots of time outside today practicing gratitude for the leaves in my yard and for my plants who have made it through winter and for extra daylight hours!
March 14 at 3:29 AMI tried a 4 minute shower this morning. Not sure I got all the soap off, but otherwise it was a success!
March 13 at 5:08 PMInspired to do all my shopping this month zero waste! (Or as much as possible)
March 13 at 4:04 PM
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